Harper & Queens

London, United Kingdom


Harper & Queens is a clothing brand I designed for my final project at university. It is a brand for women who don’t feel particularly “girly” or “androgynous”. It is for the Tomboys who have grown up and still don’t want to dress like every other girl. It is a collection composed of clothes that are traditionally considered Menswear for Women.

I named the brand Harper & Queens, which is the Cockney rhyming slang term for ‘jeans’. I wanted a name that sounded very British, as the brand was conceived in London.

The Pilot Suit is the first piece of clothing I wanted to make. It is the first garment I designed and had made by a seamstress.

It is the first piece people will be able to see and, much like a television pilot, this suit is a standalone piece that would be used to engage an audience and capture people’s attention.